Cover Reveal for “Becoming a Legend”!

Today is the big cover reveal for “Becoming a Legend” which will be released on June 6th!

Be sure to sign up for my mailing list to get notified when it get’s launched.

I’d like to thank all of the bloggers who participated in the reveal by giving them the first showing.

Click on over and take a look!

(P.S. This list is random so you can’t accuse me of playing favorites 🙂 )

Confessions of a Book Addict
Mom With A Kindle
Fae Books
Wintry Words
Tanyas book nook
Words Create Scenes
Gimme The Scoop Reviews
Escape Into A Book
Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Reviews
Teen Blurb
DebDeb Reviews
A Dream Within A Dream
Brittany and Bianca Blab Books
The Cover Contessa
Booky Thoughts and Me
A Diary Of A book Addict
Paranormal Sisters
R.L. Kirk
Red Reader Reviews
A Bibliophiles Thoughts on Books
My Family's Heart Book Reviews
Starbucks & Books Obsession
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
Reviews A La Tiffany

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